President Trump Was Committed to Draining the Corrupt Swamp
They wanted him out by any means possible
Donald Trump made it clear before he was elected that he was going to clean the swamp. That made the swamp fearful. With this article, we’ll be looking at the response to that fear. The worry that a non-politician will take away the game that Washington elites have been playing for decades.
Half of all Americans have always been disgusted with the way politicians promise anything to get elected and never deliver. They felt Trump would be different because those who knew his history believed he would change things.
He had always been a tough negotiator. Some consider that rude behavior, but it gets results.
Getting Results
Trump had always insisted on accomplishment, and he refuses to pay contractors when they fail. Some considered that an embezzler. But when you think about it, our government is known to waste our hard-earned money, taxing us and then overpaying for useless and inferior results.
Trump has always paid his contractors who delivered results, and the people voted for him in hopes that he would improve the financial condition of the United States by handling things as a profitable business.