Opinion Pieces That Attract Attention
Top articles you may not want to overlook.
I write political opinion pieces and noticed that it attracts a lot of trolls. But those truly interested in the welfare of our society tend to bypass the concepts that need more attention.
I reviewed the views my top articles and decided to list them here for easy access:
- Joe Biden Says He Is Against Making America Great Again
- How The Left Holds Control Over You
- A Discussion With a Friend Who Hates Donald Trump
- What Are the Terrible Things Trump Did?
- Corrupt Injustice Against American Citizens
- What the Heck Are Voters Hoping to Achieve?
- Things Are So Upside-Down With the Far Left Democrats
As always, I respect all viewpoints and value respectful opinions in the comments. But I will not respond if they are troll-like in nature.
Welcome Recent New Readers and Followers
I appreciate your past views and claps, and hope to see you again soon.
Séverin Makengo, H.D. Ingles, Craig Martineau, Poornima Verghese-Ram, acx666sf, Daily Sizzle, Sherif E., Martin Von Mars, Steve Carnahan, Alessandro Visintin, Kristina God, Jessey Anthony, Robert James Karpie, Bill Myers, and Mia Miller
Read more essays by Frank Views related to social awareness, life’s struggles, and controversial political issues that affect you.